27 April 2020

Quora: is the MSM trying to scare us?

Quora send me a question; Could I answer this? "Why is the MSM and most all big news outlets (mostly liberal agenda) trying to scare us into ruining the economy, when the experts and facts are that even if you get Wuhan virus, you have a 98 % chance of full recovery? Can I go to work now?"

This was my answer:


If 98% of Covid-19 infected people have a “full recovery” and only 2% die, is that an acceptable figure? And is the MSM trying to scare us?

Yes, you can go to work now, but first:

Go to your Facebook list of friends. If you have 100, randomly (yes, randomly) pick two people. They are dead. Oh, and those who know them, hopefully including you, are grieving their loss. Look at each of those peoples profiles; their pictures, memories and comments. Look at who else is in their friends-list. Each of them (I hope) is grieving their loss. Spend a bit of time remembering them, imagining that indeed they, randomly selected, are dead.

If you have 100 friends, is 20 minutes (10 minutes per) too much time to spend remembering and exploring the friendship you shared.

If you have 200 friends, spend 40 minutes remembering and exploring those 4, randomly selected people who are now dead. Mentally write the note that you are going to post on their, now memorial, page to tell them and those around them what they meant to you, and how you mourn their loss.

If you are lucky enough to have 300 real friends on Facebook, spend an hour. It is the least you can do. Truly, it is the least.

Now imaging that for all of your living friends, that they have done the same thing.

Remember that you will not be able to go to their funeral, but is you could, you will be going to 2 funerals for every 100 friends, and 4 for every 200. If you are even allowed to attend the funeral. Now, imagine each funeral, and who will be there beside you. Look into their eyes, speak the words of comfort that you would speak to them, in your moment of shared loss.

Now look at yourself in the mirror.

Now, look at your list of friends and ask yourself, what will they be saying to your mother and father, your sisters and brothers, your children, if you are one of their random 2 per 100 who died. How will they comfort each other? What will your mother say to your sister or brother? What will your wife or husband say to your children, not just today, but for the coming years.

Now go back to work. If you work in a large office, look for the desk that is now empty, and read the email from management telling you how sorry the company is that Ellen and Bob died, and how much they will be missed. Read also about how management is certain that they did not contaminate their desk, or the breakout area, or the bathroom, but just in case there will be a deep cleaning crew coming through this weekend to clean and make the office safe again.

Or if you are in a small office, or shop, or mall, look at the stores that are closed, both from the economic hardship, but also because their customers are sick, their staff are sick. Remember that the people who work in those businesses in many cases are paid minimum wage, so they are in there, working even while they are sick. Do you really want to eat the food they prepared for you, buy the magazine they touched?

Again, now look at yourself in the mirror.

Is it the MSM that is trying to scare you? Do you care if 2 out of every 100 people you know dies, with all the pain that they went through, the pain of families who could not be there for their last breath and maybe couldn’t be there for the funeral?

Look in the mirror.

Are you good with this?

If you are, please delete me from your friends-list. I do not want to have “friends” like you.

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