07 January 2022

Random January 7th thoughts

January 6th managed to pass by without my commenting on the events one year ago. My horror remains, and my disgust at virtually all Republicans remains as well. Their attempts to pretend it never happened, or that it was ‘peaceful’ or even that it wasn’t really Trump supporters remains sickening. The Republican Party has moved so far into the land of dreams and lies that it is almost impossible to see a road back.

Demographically they will fade, but that will take decades. And what we are seeing now is their fight-back to avoid irrelevance. They actually believe that they will be able to turn back the clock to days of theocracy and racism across Amerika. What is frightening is the number of people who believe that message.

Yesterday Biden began the road back. He was forceful, and he needs to be. Trump did not "just go away" after January 20th last year. He remains a spoiler, and too many Republican senators and congressmen rely upon him to stay in office. That must change. Biden has a State of the Union coming up in late January. He must be equally forceful then. I do like that he called out Trump (though not by name of course) multiple times, with what were, in some cases, personal insults. 

Now we need Marick Garland to start charging people with conspiracy. Pero-walk the bastards. Let the tide turn. Then we will see a change in the thinking. 

And Congress needs to have public hearings, and expose the lies and deceit of the Republican congressional representatives who were involved, or who were excessively supportive of the "protesters". 

But they need to start soon, so that the message and the disgust can be well established long before the mid-terms. The Republicans probably will gain seats, and then they will attempt to reinforce the "Big Lie". They will be seen through.

Imagine having the only two Republicans in attendance being the former Vice President and a prime contender for the title of the "Dark Lord", and his daughter, an almost equally conservative Republican. Imagine what it says about how unhinged from the roots of the party (even the recent roots) the current party must be. It is scary. Can that line hold? Will the conservative but not crazy Republicans actually come out to vote for the current crop of lunatics?

I keep saying that only 5% need to stay home. Is it too much to hope that one out of 20 Republicans, seeing just how messed up their party has become, wouldn't stay home? It probably is too much to ask, but not too much to hope for.

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